Ready for the IELTS Exam?

Take This Free Mock Test To Find Out!

Updated: February 2025

Having spent more than ten years specializing in teaching IELTS, I can confidently say that the most important piece of advice I can give to students wanting to take the IELTS exam is this:
Make sure that you know you're prepared for the IELTS exam or you may end up wasting a lot of your time and money!
For example, this student messaged me recently and told me she failed her IELTS test 5 times and wanted to give up! But she wanted to give it one last shot.
This is not an uncommon experience. Many students who come to my class do so after having failed their exam at least once before. One person even failed 15 times before attending my IELTS class!
Yes, he eventually passed after attending my Writing class, but the point is.....
WHY book the ielts exam in the first place if you're not sure if you're ready for it?
Here are some things to ponder over:
- 1You need to know your IELTS level before you think about taking the IELTS exam. If you don't, you're just playing around with your money! Each exam costs around US$250!
- 2You should always over-prepare, rather than under-prepare. You can't take chances. It's better to study a bit harder to ensure that you'll definitely get the score you want, than to prepare just enough, perform badly on the day, fail and then waste your time and money!
- 3Don't be in a rush to take the exam if you don't have a deadline. Focus on preparation.
- 4The exam is more difficult than most people imagine it to be. People always overestimate their abilities and underestimate the difficulty of the exam. Don't do that.
- 5Focus and plan and don't give up. If it's your dream to immigrate to another country or to study in another country, work hard, put in the effort, prepare wisely and properly and only book the exam when you're ready.
Many people have asked me to do this for a long time and because I have a bit of time now, I'm offering you the opportunity to find out if they are ready for the IELTS exam. I'm offering a FREE IELTS Mock Test for a limited time only.
All you need to do is click the button below and input your Email Address. Instructions will then be sent to you about how to participate in this Mock Test. You will be able to do this online test within 3 hours. Then you'd be given a score for your Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.